If you're anything like me you have dozens and dozens of books sitting in your cluttered home that you can't bare to throw away. I just found a great solution for you! The Informal Book Sharing Club! Here's how it works. I got a letter from my mom with these instructions and 6 self addressed labels. On the back of this letter there was an address. I have to send a book (one that I actually enjoyed) to this person who just happens to be my cool cousin Kara! Then I photocopy the instructions so I have six copies and put one of my mom's self addressed labels on the back of each copy. Then I make 6 sets of 6 self addressed labels of my own. I pick 6 trustworthy friends with some good taste in books and send them each a set of instructions and my very own self addressed labels. Are you following me? It can sound tricky but if it all works out in the end you should get 36 books in return!
I love this
because it's cheap (you're really only paying for shipping and stamps), it's a great way to
recycle books, and it's interactive! I just sent out my first wave of letters and can't wait to see what I get in return! If you want to take part let me know and I'll send you the instructions!